[Daniel Marschall](mention:c4643a4e-a401-42c4-93f0-25ec6e3697af "/u/daniel-marschall/")
Wenn ich ein Object hinzufügen möchte (nicht über API) kommt eine Fehlermeldung (über den nicht gefundenen parent).
Habe geändert OIDplusPagePublicObjects.class.php
// Determine absolute OID name
// Note: At addString() and parse(), the syntax of the ID will be checked
if ($params['id_fully_qualified'] ?? false) {
$id =$objParent::ns().':'. $params['id'];
//if (is_string($params['id_fully_qualified']) || false === $params['id_fully_qualified']) {
// $id = false === $params['id_fully_qualified'] ? $params['id'] : $params['id_fully_qualified'];
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($id);
$objParentTest = $objParent->isRoot() ? $objParent: $obj->getParent();
if (!$objParentTest || !$objParentTest->equals($objParent)) throw new OIDplusException(_L('Cannot verify that %1 has parent %2', $obj->nodeId(), $objParent->nodeId()));
} else {
$id = $objParent->addString($params['id']);
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($id);
if (!$obj) throw new OIDplusException(_L('%1 action failed because object "%2" cannot be parsed!','INSERT',$id));
Melanie Wehowski ·