
Coding, Webdesign, Homepageerstellung und Programmierung

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[Daniel Marschall](mention:c4643a4e-a401-42c4-93f0-25ec6e3697af "/u/daniel-marschall/") [R74n](mention:7a0b94e5-6ccb-4419-ae83-9ad4da161183 "/s/r74n/") I am trying to install [https://github.com/ernestwisniewski/kbin](https://github.com/ernestwisniewski/kbin) and yesterday I tried this version: [https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core](https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core) When it comes to the installation step `php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate` the following error occurs: `[error] Migration DoctrineMigrations\Version20230525203803 failed during Execution. Error: "An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR: syntax error at or near "("\ LINE 1: ... ADD COLUMN title_ts tsvector GENERATED...` This project claims to be in alpha or beta version and not beeing stable yet. Although there are some instances online running in the fediverse. I want to keep an eye on it, maybe you are interested to help me or work together (?) ón an instance (I can provide the hosting , however have not installed the optional redis yet), as this is something like a PHP version of reddit + mastodon/fediverse. The nextcloud fediverse social app is nice, but there are features missing.